Tuesday, August 18, 2009

day six

Last night we camped in the badlands it was incredible. It was peaceful and beautiful and we survived so I will just omit the part about the spider the snake the bats and the bobcat, because I got away with only one small spider bite on my thumb, it could have been worse!

There was a buffalo, or bison whatever you prefer and a cow who were 50 feet from our tent (behind a fence, just in case) and they were great we got to hang out with them.. We built a campfire and drank a few beers and watched as authentic tumbleweeds blew around.. not quite the Ohio tumbleweeds we were used to seeing (i.e. plastic grocery bags).

This morning we woke up early which we have been doing throughout the trip without trouble. I guess it has to do with the fact that as soon the sun comes up you almost suffocate in a tent also could be that two people one sleeping bag and no pillow is wildly uncomfortable!

So this morning I went to the cabin on site and tried to get on this sad excuse for a travel documenter and connect to the internet.. I had it for about five minutes so I didn't get much done. Although there was a little boy who was a self proclaimed yocal ? Is that how you spell it? Is that even a word? Anyhow he sat 2 tables away from me with this old rotary phone that he dismantled and turned into a rubber band slingshot and proceded to wage war with me he brought the reciever of the phone over and hooked it to my booth then returned to his seat and tinkered around for a bit until he started to make the phone ring and ring and ring until I finally picked up.
He said to me 'Hello, my enemy.. what kind of animals are in your army?'
I had no idea what he was talking about so I said giraffe's and he asked me how many lives a giraffe had, and told me his army was made up of cats because they have nine lives.. I thought that was pretty clever.
So we shot rubber bands at eachother for about half an hour then we took off.

Joey and I rode around the badlands for a bit then went off to the Black Hills. It was beautiful we had lunch in the forest with a view of Mt. Rushmore.. we drove around for a couple of hours in the Black Hills in Custer National Park it was hysterical because there was 'Wildlife at Large' and burro's and buffalo and antelope and goats and praire dogs and deer horses cows you name it just wandered all over the place crossing roads etc. Needless to say traffic moved quite slow through there. The burro's came right up to the bike looking for food.

But I have to run right now because we are in Wyoming, which has been a really weird experience so far and I think we are moving to a safer camp..

talk soon,
much peace and love

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